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300mg/bottle – 10mg/1mL serving

Anxious feelings in your pet can lead to additional behavioral issues, shifts in mood and even pet depression. Anxiety can have multiple negative effects on your pet’s body, just as it can  on a human’s body. Our CBDialed Pet Care 300mg Anti-Separation Tincture is intended to aid in relieving anxious and destructive behaviors in your pet(s), as well as shifts in your pet’s mood.


300mg/bottle – 10mg/1mL serving

The CBDialed Pet Care 300mg Muscle & Joint Tincture is designed to aid in the reduction of muscle and joint stiffness/pains in your pet, as well as supporting reduction of inflammation. Our carefully chosen blend of plant-based terpenes is combined with organic MCT oil and our broad spectrum hemp CBD for this formula. MCT oil is easy for your pet to digest and comes with potential health benefits.


MCT oil refers to medium-chain triglycerides. Most MCT oil is derived from coconut oil, like ours is. It’s gentle on your pet’s digestive system and doesn’t have an off-putting flavor.


Review Instructions

View Complete CBDialed Guide before administering CBD to pets. Pet dosage differs from human dosage.

Administer to Pet

Our terpene blends make CBDialed tinctures taste great. Try administering orally at first. If unsuccessful, mix CBDialed with food.

Get CBDialed

Let CBDialed get to work! Keep an eye on your pets improvements over time as you incorporate our tinctures into their daily routine.