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How much CBD Should I take?

Everyone’s body is different. We suggest starting with one dropper once or twice a day. If you find that your body needs a larger dose, increase your dose in small amounts first. This will help you determine what your individual ideal dose is – it’s different for everyone.

When it comes to CBD and your pets, the dosage is quite different. Please review our Complete Guide to CBD for Pets to review dosage suggestions and frequencies. Basic dosing rule for cats and dogs: 1-5 mg CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. To control pain, give every 8 hours or as needed. For other uses, or to break unwanted behavior patterns, give once or twice a day.

Can CBD be taken with my other medications?

Please speak with your physician before starting any CBD product. It is also ideal to search on PubMed.Gov for research regarding potential reactions between CBD and some medications. A few CBD and medication interactions are listed, with most involving medications for the liver.

Do tinctures have to be taken under the tongue?

Although the most common way to take a tincture is under the tongue, it’s not the only way to use them. Tinctures can be added to foods and beverages, if you prefer to mix it in with something. They can also be added to smoothies. Sublingually, however, is the ideal method for getting CBD into your bloodstream faster. Combining them with food requires them going through the digestive process, which can delay CBD in working in your body for up to an hour.

Are MCT oil and coconut oil different?

MCT oil, which is what CBDialed uses in its tinctures, is medium-chain triglyceride oil. It’s actually made from coconut oil, so it is a little different than straight coconut oil. MCT oil has a long shelf life and is odorless, colorless and remains a liquid when sitting at room temperature. If you have a coconut allergy, it’s best to consult your doctor before using products containing MCT oil.

What are terpenes?

Terpenes are tiny molecules in plants and trees that give them their aroma and flavor. Terpenes also have accepted therapeutic benefits themselves. These little molecules also support cannabinoids in hemp and cannabis plants. When terpenes work together with the natural cannabinoids of hemp or cannabis, the entourage effect occurs.

Terpenes can bind to cells in the body and influence our experiences. Whole plant medicine (full spectrum) is superior to isolate products because full cannabinoid and terpene profiles are present.

An example of how terpenes work in the body is alpha pinene and beta-caryophyllene reducing the dilation of blood vessels. When the vessels can’t dilate, inflammation is reduced. Another example of why terpenes are important in CBD products and cannabis, in general, is that some of them carry the same properties as some cannabinoids. Alpha pinene has anti-inflammatory properties and so does CBD, so these two elements work together and tackle inflammation from different angles.

What is the difference between the different tinctures?

The difference between the different tinctures is the terpene blends. We select a specific group of terpenes for each formula based upon their therapeutic benefits and ability to work well together. The only other difference between the tinctures is the flavored options that use natural vanilla and peppermint flavors.